Inhibition of zebrafish cdx1b function affects expression of some digestive organ marker genes and causes hypoplastic growth of the liver, pancreas and intestines. Seventy-two hpf (A,D) and 54 hpf (G) wild type and 72 hpf (B,C,E,F) and 54 hpf (H) morphants were respectively labeled with lfabp/ifabp (A-C), trypsin (D-F) and insulin (G,H) probes. Real-time quantitative PCR (I) indicated a reduction in expression levels of different marker genes in 72 hpf morphants. Histological analyses of paraffin transverse (J-L) and sagittal (S-U) sections of 96 hpf wild-type and transverse (M-R) and sagittal (V-X) sections of morphants are shown. The inset in K indicates the sectioning planes on digestive tracts shown in J-R. Mid-intestine and posterior-intestine regions of wild-type (T,U) and morphant (W,X) at a higher magnification are shown. Scale bars: 100 μm. a, anus; es, esophagus; ep, exocrine pancreas; i, intestine; l, liver; wt, wild type.