The gata5 morpholinos can be used to phenocopy the faust mutant. (A, B) Shown are representative embryos following in situ hybridization using a gata5-specific probe at 24 hpf analyzing (A) wild-type embryos or (B) embryos injected with a gata5 morpholino that targets a splice site (ssG5 MO). Injection of ssG5 MO efficiently blocks accumulation of mature gata5 mRNA. While most embryos lack detectable message, the embryo shown in panel B represents an example of one that demonstrates a low level of remaining transcripts in a bifid pattern. (C–M) Shown are representative embryos following whole mount situ hybridization to detect transcripts for the cardiac marker nkx2.5 at 24 hpf. Samples represent results with (C) wild-type embryos (D, E) embryos injected with a translation-blocker morpholino specific to gata5 (tbG5), (F–I) ssG5 morphants, and (J–M) embryos derived from crossing two adult fish heterozygous for the faus26 allele. The ssG5 morphants display the same variable expressivity phenotype as the faus26 mutants, including embryos with a fused heart tube (F, J), a partially fused tube (G, K), cardia bifida (H, L) or a significant reduction of cardiac progenitors (I, M). The tbG5 morpholino more reproducibly generates cardia bifida. See Table 1 for all statistics. In panels A and B, embryos were flat mounted, views are dorsal, with anterior to the left. All other views are dorsal, with anterior to the top.