Randomized LR gene expression and organ laterality in TtrapMO embryos. (A-E) Left-sided, right-sided, bilateral or absent/reduced marker expression. For all panels, dorsal views, anterior at top; single arrows denote sidedness, double arrows bilateral expression. (A) bmp4 in cardiac primordium (22 ss). Dashed white line denotes midline (L, left; R, right). (B,C) pitx2 and spaw in LPM (22 ss). (D) foxA3, 48 hpf (orange arrow, liver, liv; red arrow, pancreas, pa). (E) lft1 in the diencephalon (22-24 ss). Dashed line indicates midline; arrows indicate the relevant altered expression domain. (F) Bar graphs showing percentage of embryos with sided expression of these markers within each phenotypic category (y-axis), in controlMO and TtrapMO embryos (x-axis). Blue bars, left-sided expression; red, right-sided; yellow, bilateral; purple, absent/reduced expression. n=total embryos from two experiments.