The pancreatic LPM is a target of fgf24 expressed within the endoderm. (A,B) Expression analysis of the FGF target genes pea3 (A) and erm (B) just before and during specification of the ventral pancreatic bud from 26 to 36 hpf. Right panel in A, pea3 (blue) and ptf1a (red) expression in fgf24 loss-of-function embryos. The green arrowheads indicate the ventral pancreatic bud (VB) and the orange arrows point to the pancreatic LPM. Right panel in B, erm (blue) and ptf1a (red) expression at 36 hpf. (C) Expression of ptf1a (blue) and meis3 (30 and 36 hpf) and isl1 (36 hpf) in red in casanova (cas) mutants. The yellow dotted lines underline the LPM labeled by meis3. DB, dorsal pancreatic bud; FB, pectoral fin buds.