Splice-directed morpholinos to sox9a produce a phenotype similar to jef. (A-C) Uninjected wild-type controls. (D-F) Homozygous wild types injected with MO i1d plus i2d. (G-I) Heterozygotes for jeftw37 injected with MOs. (J-L) MO injected homozygous jeftw37 individuals. (A,D,G,J) Lateral view of 5 dpf animals, anterior towards the left. (B,E,H,K) Ventral view of dissected cartilages, anterior towards the left. (C,F,I,L) Right pectoral and fin skeleton, proximal towards the left. bh, basihyal; bsr, branchiostegal rays; cb, ceratobranchials; ch, ceratohyal; ch?, presumed ceratohyal; cl, cleithrum; ed, endoskeletal disk; co, scapulocoracoid; hs, hyosymplectic; m, Meckel’s cartilage; m/de? putative Meckel’s cartilage and dentary bone; op, opercule; pq, palatoquadrate. Scale bars: in J, 100 μm for A,D,G,J; in K, 100 μm for B,E,H,K; in L, 100 μm for C,F,I,L.