Pigment cell defects in cls/sox10-/-, nac/mitfa-/- and cls/sox10-/-;nac/mitfa-/- mutant embryos. Lateral views of the dorsal trunk of 3 dpf wild type (A), nac/mitfab692/b692 (B), cls/sox10t3/t3 (C) and cls/sox10 t3/t3;nac/mitfa b692/b692 (D) embryos. Wild-type embryos have large flat melanophores (black arrow), cls/sox10-/- and cls/sox10-/-;nac/mitfa-/- embryos have a few tiny rounded melanophores (black arrows), but nac/mitfa-/- embryos lack melanophores. Iridophores (white arrows) are not reduced in nac/mitfa-/- embryos but are severely reduced in cls/sox10-/- and cls/sox10-/-;nac/mitfa-/-. Double mutant embryos were identified by PCR genotyping.