Functional redundancy between sox9b and sox10 in DRG neuron development. sox9b morpholino knock-down results in decreased Hu+ sensory neuron number in 5 dpf wild-type (A,B) and sox10 mutant (C,D) embryos. Sox9b morpholino injection into wild type (B) disrupts the regular DRG pattern of uninjected wild-type siblings (A), resulting in reduced numbers of DRGs (arrows), fewer DRG neurons and disorganised patterning of DRGs. These features are also typical of sox10 mutant embryos (C), although the latter show a more severe phenotype. Injection of sox9b morpholino into sox10 mutants results in a dramatic reduction in DRG sensory neurons (D). (A-D) Lateral views of trunk. (E) Quantitation (mean+s.d.) of total number of trunk Hu+ sensory neurons in 5 dpf wild-type and sox10 mutant embryos after injection with sox9b morpholinos as shown (n=10 for all conditions). Asterisk indicates statistically significant differences from respective controls (P<0.05; Student's t-test). Scale bar: 50 μm.