Morpholino knock-down of Runx3 does not influence pharyngeal endoderm formation, but abolishes runx2b expression in the pharyngeal arch mesenchyme. Whole-mount in situ hybridization with a runx2b riboprobe on 2dpf embryos injected with runx3MO reveals specific loss of runx2b expression in the pre-cartilage condensations of pharyngeal arches in runx3 morphants (white arrowheads), while retaining expression in the basicranial anlagen (A,B). Pharyngeal cartilage runx2b expression in 4dpf wild-type larvae (C) is also absent in casanova mutants that lack endoderm (D). However, pharyngeal endoderm is intact in runx3 morphants, as highlighted by immunostaining with Zn5 (E), and normal expression of pouch endoderm marker fgfrl1 (F) in 2dpf embryos. (A,C) Lateral and (B) dorsal views, anterior to left; (D) dorsal view of a group of morphants (MO) and control (MM) embryos. bc, basicranium; cl, cleithrum; en; endoderm; ph, pharyngeal arch cartilage; tc, trabecula cranii. Scale bars = 100 μm.