Suppression of obscurin expression in MO2-treated embryos. A: Embryos injected with MO2 (MO2; 3 and 6 ng) or a control morpholino (CMO2; 6 ng) were examined at 72 hpf. Note that the morphant embryos are slightly shorter with diminished regularity and definition of the transverse myoseptae (>) and moderate pericardial edema (<). Most 72-hpf MO2-treated embryos demonstrated a looped but hypoplastic heart with a small, underdeveloped ventricular (v) chamber compared to control. B: Phenotypic effects of injection with MO1, MO2, or the corresponding control morpholinos, CMO1 and CMO2. Embryos were phenotyped at 72 hpf and categorized as having cardiac and/or somite defects. All embryos injected with control morpholinos at these dosages were morphologically normal. C: Suppression of obscurin expression in MO2-injected embryos (6-ng dose). MO2-injected 72-hpf embryos demonstrate reduced immunostaining for obscurin (Rho Ab) compared to controls using identical reaction conditions.