cadherin-6 expression in 34 hours postfertilization (hpf) embryos. A: A lateral view (anterior to the left and dorsal up) of a whole-mount embryo. B,E: Higher magnifications of the anterior half and posterior half, respectively, of the embryo in A. C,D,G,J: Cross-sections of embryos processed for whole-mount in situ hybridization. C (dorsal up) shows a frontal view of the cadherin-6 expression in the hypothalamus (hy) and the pretectal area (arrows). D: A higher magnification of an eye section (dorsal to the left). F: A dorsal view of the hindbrain region (anterior to the left). G: A cross-section (dorsal up) through the cerebellum and anterior hindbrain region. H,I Lateral views of the anterior spinal cord and tail regions (anterior to the left and dorsal up), respectively, whole-mount embryos. J: A cross-section (dorsal up) through the midtrunk region. ad, anterodorsal lateral line ganglion; av, anteroventral lateral line ganglion; IV, the fourth ventricle; le, lens; m/v, medial lateral line ganglion and vagal ganglion; tm, trunk muscles. The remaining abbreviations are the same as in the previous figures.