ZFIN ID: ZDB-GENE-081119-1

Mapping Details

Gene Name: Fras1 related extracellular matrix 1a
Symbol: frem1a
Genome Browser Chr Position Assembly
NCBI Map Viewer 7 69,653,925 - 69,729,187 GRCz11
Feature Chr Position Assembly Citations
fr23 7 69,691,480 GRCz11 Carney et al., 2010
sa1148 7 69,676,749 GRCz11 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 69,440,601 GRCz10 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 72,395,866 Zv9 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
sa9531 7 69,698,559 GRCz11 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 69,463,522 GRCz10 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 72,418,787 Zv9 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
sa13110 7 69,696,159 GRCz11 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 69,461,122 GRCz10 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 72,416,387 Zv9 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
sa27100 7 69,675,037 GRCz11 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 69,438,889 GRCz10 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 72,394,154 Zv9 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
sa31619 7 69,696,359 GRCz11 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 69,461,322 GRCz10 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 72,416,587 Zv9 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
sa34238 7 69,687,527 GRCz11 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 69,452,284 GRCz10 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 72,407,549 Zv9 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
sa41083 7 69,698,376 GRCz11 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 69,463,339 GRCz10 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 72,418,604 Zv9 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
sa41084 7 69,717,425 GRCz11 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 69,476,070 GRCz10 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 72,431,335 Zv9 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
tc280b 7 69,682,068 GRCz11 Carney et al., 2010
la016230Tg 7 72,439,362 - 72,439,372 Zv9

Marker Type Chr Distance Publication / Person Comments
z9249 SSLP 7 Carney et al., 2010
z13880 SSLP 7 Carney et al., 2010
tr240 Feature 7 Carney et al., 2010
fr23 Feature 7 Carney et al., 2010
tc280b Feature 7 Carney et al., 2010

Chr 7 Carney et al., 2010
Genomic Feature fr23 is an allele of frem1a
Marker Type Chr Distance Publication / Person Comments
tr240 Feature 7 Carney et al., 2010
tc280b Feature 7 Carney et al., 2010
frem1a GENE 7 Carney et al., 2010
z9249 SSLP 7 Carney et al., 2010
z13880 SSLP 7 Carney et al., 2010
Genomic Feature tr240 is an allele of frem1a
Marker Type Chr Distance Publication / Person Comments
tc280b Feature 7 Carney et al., 2010
frem1a GENE 7 Carney et al., 2010
z9249 SSLP 7 Carney et al., 2010
z13880 SSLP 7 Carney et al., 2010
fr23 Feature 7 Carney et al., 2010
Genomic Feature tc280b is an allele of frem1a
Marker Type Chr Distance Publication / Person Comments
frem1a GENE 7 Carney et al., 2010
z9249 SSLP 7 Carney et al., 2010
z13880 SSLP 7 Carney et al., 2010
fr23 Feature 7 Carney et al., 2010
tr240 Feature 7 Carney et al., 2010
Genomic Feature tc280b is an allele of frem1a
Chr 7 Carney et al., 2010
Genomic Feature fr23 is an allele of frem1a
Chr 7 Carney et al., 2010
Genomic Feature tr240 is an allele of frem1a
Chr 7 Carney et al., 2010