Analysis of Insl3 and Rxfp2 sequences in vertebrate species. (A) Sequence alignment of the Insl3 protein Homo sapiens Insl3 (NP_005534.2); Rattus norvegicus Insl3 (NP_446132.1); Gavialis gangeticus Insl3 (XP_019379679.1); Anser cygnoides Insl3 (XP_047908400.1); Rana temporaria Insl3 (XP_040177352.1); Danio rerio Insl3 (NP_001108525.2); Polypterus senegalus Insl3 (XP_039623679.1); and Callorhinchus milii Insl3 (AFP04465.1). (B) Sequence alignment of the Rxfp2 extracellular domain. Homo sapiens (NP_570718.1); Rattus norvegicus (NP_001012493.1); Gavialis gangeticus (XP_019381047.1); Anser cygnoides (XP_013044814.2); Rana temporaria (XP_040196386.1); Danio rerio Rxfp2b (NP_001315011.1); Danio rerio Rxfp2a (NP_001315313.1); Polypterus senegalus (XP_039622298.1); and Callorhinchus milii (XM_00789132.1). Identical amino acids are indicated by asterisks; conservative substitutions are shown by colons and semiconservative substitutions by dots. Different colors represent the physiochemical properties of amino acids.
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