Figure 4
Recovery of the cone-mass receptor potential in grk KO zebrafish larvae treated with forskolin. Treated larvae were subjected to successive stimuli using a dual flash paradigm of a 20-ms flash of saturating white light (1000 cd/m2) with an interstimulus interval (ISI) ranging from 0.75 s to 5 s. Cone-mass receptor potential recovery was plotted as the ratio of the maximum isolated cone mass receptor potential response of the second stimulus to that of the initial stimulus for (A) grk1b−/− and (B) grk7a−/− larvae. A linear mixed model analysis of covariance found a significant effect of forskolin compared to vehicle (DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide) for grk1b−/− (F(1, 224) = 17.82; p <0.0001) larvae, but not grk7a−/− larvae (F(1, 340) = 2.363; p = 0.1252). Error bars represent SEM.