Fig. 9
Human cells show a defect in double-strand DNA damage repair. (A, B) Double-strand DNA damage repair was measured by Western blots with anti-histone H2AX S139ph (phospho Ser139) in SMARCAD1 knockdown schwannoma cell line HEI-193 after X-ray irradiations (10 and 20 Gy, respectively). ULTRA-3351712 knockdown cell was used for this experiment. Doxycycline (final concentration: 0.1 μg/ml) was added 48 h ahead of the experiments. (C, D) Double-strand DNA damage repair in SMARCAD1 overexpression MPNST cells (STS26T) by H2AX S139ph. Doxycycline (final concentration: 1 μg/ml) was added 24 h ahead of the experiments. Both cell lines were harvested at 1, 5, and 10 h post-irradiation along with untreated samples. un, untreated sample. Beta-actin (ACTB) was used as a loading control. The densitometry ratios of H2A X S139ph over ACTB was listed underneath the blots