Figure 4
WaveletSEG software main function structure and GUI. WaveletSEG is the image processing analysis platform which integrates all main and extension functions including IO system, extension GUI and data visualization system in one GUI. The WaveletSEG main function block consists of five main steps that can run independently including 1. Nuclei identification, 2. Embryo orientation, 3. Shape classification, 4. Profile extraction, and 5. Time lapse steps. In the nuclei identification step, users can do intensity calibration by using nuclei intensity or after wavelet-based segmentation. In IO system block, users can directly import microscope image files or intermediate data files into WaveletSEG, and save or output data results or figures directly from the GUI. We also developed a set of segmentation validation tools in WaveletSEG including synthetic data generator, 3D ground truth labeling system, 2D and 3D segmentation viewer sub-GUI, and segmentation method comparison extension GUI. In WaveletSEG data visualization block, 3D segmentation and quantification or other results such as embryo topology features can be easily displayed or saved in the WaveletSEG data visualization system. User can also create scatter plots by selecting menu options to explore the relationship between them.