Fig. 6
Figure 6(. Expression of hoxa11b is upregulated in reph mutants and is required for the formation of intermediate radials (A–F) Genetic interaction between waslb and hox genes in zebrafish fin patterning. (A) Wild-type pectoral fin. (B) waslbreph/+ mutants forming intermediate radials (arrowhead; n = 9, 89%). (C) hoxa11a−/−; hoxa11b−/−; hoxd11a−/− mutants have normal fin patterning. (D) waslbreph/+; hoxa11a−/−; hoxa11b−/−; mutants fail to form intermediate radials (bracket; n = 8, 88%). (E) hoxa13a−/−; hoxa13b−/− mutants fail to form distal fin rays (asterisk). (F) waslbreph/+; hoxa13a−/−; hoxa13b−/−; hoxd13a+/− mutants show enhanced PD elaboration with multiple intermediate radials (arrowheads). (G) Representative confocal images of hoxa11b:tdTom expression in early pectoral fins. (H) Boxplot of pixel intensity reveals higher hoxa11b:tdTom expression in mutant fins. Intensity is significantly elevated in reph homozygotes at 6 dpf (double asterisk, n = 5 each genotype, Welch’s Two Sample t test, t = 5.51, p = 0.0015) and in reph heterozygotes at 9 dpf (single asterisk, n = 4 each genotype, Welch’s Two Sample t test, t = 2.45, p = 0.035). See also Figures S5, S6, and S7
Reprinted from Cell, 184(4), Hawkins, M.B., Henke, K., Harris, M.P., Latent developmental potential to form limb-like skeletal structures in zebrafish, 899-911.e13, Copyright (2021) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell