Fig. S3
LPM lineages and organs still arise in embryos devoid of endoderm
Representative transverse sections of drl:creERT2 x ubi:Switch (ubi:lox-GFP-lox_mCherry) embryos fixed at 3 dpf. (a,b) Embryos were induced with 4-OHT at shield stage, bringing mCherry under control of the ubi promoter in cells with active CreERT2 from shield stage (magenta), while unrecombined cells keep expressing GFP (green). LPM-derived organs, as depicted for heart, blood, pectoral fins, pronephros, and endothelial cells, and endoderm-derived lineages, including swim bladder, gut epithelium, and liver, are lineage-traced (n=5/5). (c,d) In sox32 morphants that are devoid of endoderm, 4-OHT induction at ,shield stage still traced LPM-derived organs, as depicted for heart, blood, pectoral fins, pronephros (arrow), and endothelial cells (n=11/11). (e,f) Control without 4-OHT admission reveals absence of any background activity of the used ubi:Switch reporter (note autofluoresence of blood), confirming absence of leakiness of the creERT and loxP lines used (n=5/5). Asterisks indicate endoderm-derived gut epithelium (b,f) or absence thereof (d). Nuclei counterstained with DAPI (blue). Scale bar 25 μm