Fig. 4
pk1b and pk1a mutants do not show alterations in pharyngeal cartilage fates. (A-C) In situ hybridizations for the pharyngeal neural crestmarker dlx2 in WT (A), pk1b fh122/ fh122 (B) and pk1ach105/ch105 (C) 24 hpf embryos in lateral view show no significant differences between conditions. Solid arrowheads indicate streams of NCCs. (D-F) Alcian Green labeling of cartilage elements of the pharyngeal apparatus in WT (D), pk1b fh122/ fh122 (E) and pk1ach105/ch105 (F) 6 dpf larvae, show no significant changes in size and organization of elements between conditions. m=Meckel’s cartilage; pq=palatoquadrate; ch=ceratohyal; cb=ceratobranchial; cb(i) indicates first branchial arch, cb(iv) indicates fourth branchial arch, with solid arrows indicating the corresponding ceratobranchial cartilage elements.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 448(1), Ahsan, K., Singh, N., Rocha, M., Huang, C., Prince, V.E., Prickle1 is required for EMT and migration of zebrafish cranial neural crest, 16-35, Copyright (2019) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.