Fig. 8
rbpms2 is required for definitive female differentiation.
(A) Quantification of PGC numbers in d3 rbpms2 double mutants and non-mutant siblings. (B-C) Vasa staining to count PGCs in a representative slice from Z-series with PGCs circled in yellow in non-mutant sibling (B), and rbpms2 double mutant (C). (D-E) Transgenic germ cell marker ziwi:GFP allows visualization of comparable gonocyte development in bipotential gonads of d21 non-mutant siblings (D) and rbpms2 mutants (E). (F-G) Female (F) and male (G) gonad differentiation of control non-mutant siblings at d35. (H) rbpms2 mutant gonad with oocyte-like cells outlined in solid line, and testis-like cells outlined in dashed line. (I) rbpms2 mutant gonad resembling non-mutant male siblings.