Fig. S8
Wnt pathway activity is not upregulated during larval tail regeneration or modulated by 4-MU or GSK3 inhibitors.
Whole-mount analysis of GFP expression in both wild type (A-A’) and Tg(top:GFP) embryos (B-E and B’-E’) at 1 dpa (3 dpf), following treatments with DMSO, 150 μM 4-MU, 100 nM BIO, or 50 μM SB216763 from 2 to 3 dpf. The Tg(top:GFP) embryos express a destabilized form of GFP under control of a minimal cFos promoter with four TCF/LEF binding sites, providing a dynamic readout of Wnt pathway state. At least 30 larvae were analyzed for each experimental condition, and phenotypic descriptions were based on a penetrance of > 80%. Scale bar: 300 μM.