Fig. 4
Effects of tanshinol on osteoblasts differentiation in tg(sp7:egfp) zebrafish larvae. Fluorescence images of (A) the dorsal aspect measured using laser scanning confocal microscopy in tg(sp7:egfp) zebrafish larvae at 9 days' postfertilisation (dpf) with or without tanshinol (0.5μM, 1μM, 2.5μM, 5μM). (B) Effect of tanshinol on green fluorescence area of 9-dpf tg (sp7:egfp) zebrafish. (C) Effect of tanshinol on green fluorescence integral optical density of 9-dpf tg (sp7:egfp) zebrafish. Con = control, egg water; IOD = integral optical density; T0.5 = tanshinol 0.5μM; T1 = tanshinol 1μM; T2.5 = tanshinol 2.5μM; T5 = tanshinol 5μM. Data are given as mean ± standard deviation (n ≥ 9). ∗p < 0.05 versus vehicle control.