Fig. 4
Lamc3 knockdown affects rostral primary motoneuron (RoP) migration.
(A–B) Lateral view of 36 hpf embryos stained for muscle pioneers (MPs, underlined) using 4D9 anti-engrailed show MPs present in both control (A, n=5) and knockdown embryos (B, n=6). (C–D) 48 hpf Tg(prox1a:rfp) embryos injected with standard control (C, n=6) or Lamc3 SBMO (D, n=6) have increased prox1a expression in the trunk. Transverse sections in E′ and D′ show additional prox1a expressing cells at the horizontal myoseptum in Lamc3 SBMO embryos. (E–F) Whole-mount in situ hybridisation for netrin-1a expression at 36 hpf. Netrin-1a is expressed in MPs and neural tube (NT) in both control (E, n=12) and knockdown embryos (F, n=11). Highlighted regions are enlarged in E′ and F′ and indicate an increased expression domain in the NT of knockdown embryos. (G–H) Lateral view of the trunk of 50 hpf Tg(kdrl:mCherry) (magenta) embryos stained for Netrin-1 (anti-NETRIN-1, green). Loss of Netrin-1 at the horizontal myose