Fig. 3
Lurap1 rescues MZlurap1 mutant phenotypes and notochord cell polarity. a–c Phenotype rescue is determined by measuring the angle between the anterior end and posterior end in indicated embryos. d–i Analysis by in situ hybridisation of dlx3 and ntla expression patterns shows the rescue of neural plate convergence (horizontal line) and notochord extension (vertical line) in MZlurap1 embryos. j–l Analysis by confocal microscopy shows the rescue of notochord width and cell shape in MZlurap1 embryos. m, n Graphs show rescue of the LWR and the orientation of notochord cells in MZlurap1 embryos. The data were calculated using a total of 135 cells from 9 embryos in each condition. Bars represent the mean values ± s.d. from three independent experiments (**P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; NS, not significant; Student’s t-test). Scale bars: a–i 200 µm; j–l 20 µm