Fig. 3
Zebrafish pronephric structure and function are adversely affected by hyperglycaemia and upon CRISPR mediated ELMO1 knockout.
As compared to the zebrafish pronephros at 48 hpf in control morphants, Co. Mo., (A) hyperglycaemic PDX1 morphants, PDX1 Mo., (B) display an enlarged glomerulus (white arrow head) and highly shortened pronephric neck (white asterix). (C) Control crispanst (Co. CRISPR) display a normal glomerulus. (D) In contrast, ELMO1 crispants, (ELMO1 CRISPR), show an enlarged glomerulus (white arrow head) and a highly shortened pronephric neck (white asterix). (E–H) The altered structure in morphants and crispants has been quantified in n = 40 embryos for each condition. (I) Displays the quantified elevated loss of fluorescence in ELMO1 crispants (n = 38) and PDX1 morphants (n = 26) as compared to their respective controls (Co. CRISPR, n = 39 and Co. Mo., n = 30). The white line in image (D) represents the scale bar corresponding to 200 μm.