Fig. 4
Fig. 4
A second, inner layer of somatic gonad cells responds to Fgf24 signaling.
(A-D, E) Single plane view of whole mount gonads after fluorescent in situ hybridization. (A-B) At 8 dpf, ~85% of wild-type (WT) fish express fgf24 (red) in SGCs, whereas ~56% express etv4 (green) (A). (C) etv4 is undetected in fgf24 mutant gonads (n = 14). (D) By 10 dpf, SGCs located externally express fgf24, whereas an inner layer of SGCs expresses etv4. (D') An orthogonal view of a Z stack reconstruction of the gonad in D (white line). (E) In 10 dpf fgf24 mutant gonads, etv4 is expressed at low levels or not at all. Germ cells labeled with Vasa (blue). Gonads are outlined with white dotted lines in A-C. (F-G) Antibody staining of 10 dpf gonads detecting phosphorylated Erk (pErk, red). Nuclei labeled with DAPI (blue), germ cells labeled with Vasa (green). SGCs of wild-type gonads (F), but not fgf24 mutant gonads (G), show Erk phosphorylation. (F', G') are pErk channel only of (F) and (G), respectively. A-D, E-G' are sagittal optical sections with anterior to the left. Scale bars = 20 μm.