Fig. S5

Figures for Ki et al., 2017
Figure Caption

Fig. S5

Fibrosis of the transgenic zebrafish MPNSTs is not changed by either wild-type or mutant PDGFRA (a-c) Representative images of the trichrome stained transgenic fish MPNSTs of (a) mCherry control, (b) PDGFRA wild type, and (c) PDGFRA mutant in the nf1a+/-;nf1b-/- ; p53 m/m background (>30 weeks post fertilization). Panels d, e, and f show the MPNST tumor cells magnified from panels a, b, and c, respectively.(g-i) Representative images of collagen I expression in transgenic fish MPNSTs of mCherry control with (g-i) mCherry and (j-l) DAPI (black scale bar=200 μm, white scale bar=10 μm).

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