Fig. 8
Knockdown of FKBP52 improves larval mobility in HuC-Tau transgenics. (A-C) Tracking analyses of 48-hpf control (WT), Huc-Tau, and Huc-Tau + FKBP52MO larvae in a touch-response test. Each plot line represents the trajectory of one larva after touch stimulation. (D) Quantification of the touch-response test. Each group is divided into three categories: (a) embryos that do not respond at all, (b) embryos that move slightly upon stimulus, and (c) embryos that show a typical escape response. The locomotor defects are significantly improved in Huc-Tau larvae injected with 0.4 pmol of FKBP52 MO (Kruskal-Wallis test,***P < 0.0001).