Fig. 2

Figures for Haas et al., 2011
Figure Caption

Fig. 2

Expression pattern of zf12-LO protein in zf embryos: Immunohistochemical staining of zf12-LO was performed on transversal sections from a two dpf embryo. Nuclear expression of zf12-LO was detected in the skin epithelium that surrounds the embryo (A and B, arrows) as well as the yolk sac. zf12-LO was also detected in the epithelial lining of the stomodeum (A, arrowhead) and the pharyngeal pouches (B, asterisks). Unspecific staining of the zf12-LO antibody is shown in insert in A and in the notochord (B). The notochord (n), brain (b), eyes (ey), and ear (e) are indicated for orientation. Epithelial cells at higher magnification (C-E) show nuclear localization of zf12-LO as assessed by colocalization (arrow heads) of zf12-LO immunostaining and DAPI staining (blue).

Figure Data
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