Fig. 7
Caveolin expression and growth factor signaling in Cavin4b/Murcb deficient zebrafish. A. Representative confocal micrographs of Cav1 and Cav3 immunostaining of 10 µm transverse sections prepared from the trunk of 10 wpf murcbs983/+ and murcbs983/s983 zebrafish. B. Representative confocal micrographs of Cav1 whole mount immunostaining in murcbs983/+ and murcbs983/s983 zebrafish at 80 hpf. Mean relative fluorescence profiles from at least 6 larvae for each genotype. Pixel intensity was measured across a 3 µm segment covering a single striation and plotted relative to the background intensity between stria. SEM is represented by thin lines. C. Immunoblot of phospho-Thr202/Tyr204-Erk1/2 and total Erk1/2 from skeletal muscle prepared from 3 murcbs983/+ and 3 murcbs983/s983 10 wpf zebrafish.