Fig. 5
Morpholino mediated knockdown of hapln1a results in reduced Acan protein levels.
Longitudinal section of fin rays treated with hapln1a control morpholino (Hapln1a MM) and hapln1a targeting morpholino (Hapln1a MO). Immuno-staining for Acan (blue) and counterstained for nuclei with Propidium Iodide (PI, red). Compared to the control Hapln1a MM treated fins, Hapln1a MO treated fins show reduced staining for Acan. Arrow identifies the basal layer of epithelium; arrow head identifies the bone; m, mesenchyme; e, epithelium. Arrow identifies the basal layer of epithelium; arrow head identifies the bone; m, mesenchyme; e, epithelium. Scale bar represents 20 µm.