Fig. 4
Islet and Lhx3/4 proteins are independently regulated in ventral spinal cord. (A-F) Lateral views of 28hpf embryos. MN Islet expression is absent from islet1 MO-injected embryos (A,B), but persists in lhx3+lhx4 MO-injected embryos (C). Lhx3/4 expression persists in islet1 MO-injected embryos (D,E) and is absent from lhx3+lhx4 MO-injected embryos (F). (G) Quantification of Islet+ PMNs and early-born SMNs in presence or absence of Lhx3 and Lhx4 (P=0.18; control, n=56 spinal hemisegments in seven embryos; MOs, n=80 spinal hemisegments in ten embryos). (H,I) Sections of ventral spinal cord of 48hpf embryos labeled with anti-Islet. Islet expression persists in embryos injected with lhx3+lhx4 MOs. (J) Quantification of Islet+ MNs in the presence or absence of Lhx3 and Lhx4 (P=0.44; n=10 alternating sections from ten embryos for both conditions). Scale bars: 20µm.