Fig. S1 Localization of PrkCI/ζ in the mesonephric kidney. IF localization of proteins in the wild-type transgenic Tg(cdh17:eGFP) zebrafish adult kidney, a structure composed of nephrons and an interstitial stroma of hematopoietic precursors. (Top left panel) Composite overlay provided in Fig. 2D, with remaining panels showing individual channels or selected overlays. (Middle left panel) DAPI marks nuclei, and (bottom left panel) GFP marks most tubules, but is weak or absent in a subset of tubules due to transgene variegation. (Top middle panel) PrkCI/ζ was consistently found at the apical surface of tubule cells, and (middle panel) the tight junction marker ZO-1 showed strong labeling at junctional complexes. (Bottom middle panel) Overlay of PrkCI/ζ and ZO-1. (Right column) Panels show the Y/Z plane of the approximate area enlarged (demarcated by the white box), demonstrating that PrkCI/ζ and ZO-1 colocalize at the apical surface of tubules. Scale bars, 20 µm.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 396(2), Gerlach, G.F., Wingert, R.A., Zebrafish pronephros tubulogenesis and epithelial identity maintenance are reliant on the polarity proteins Prkc iota and zeta, 183-200, Copyright (2014) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.