Fig. 5
Depletion of zBbs1 and zNphp7.2 caused defects in heart looping.
To examine organ laterality defects, zebrafish embryos were examined for changes in heart looping. (A) In situ hybridisation (myosin light chain 7; myl7) of both zbbs1 and znphp7.2 morphant embryos at 55 hpf showed defective heart looping. (heart looping to the right (R = normal), without heart looping (mid) and looping to the left (L = inversed)) (B) Whereas the hearts of control embryos showed more than 90% rightward looping, approximately 50% of zBbs1-depleted embryos and (C) 35–75% of zNphp7.2-depleted embryos had situs inversus or mid position of the heart. The numbers in the brackets (n) are the numbers of total embryos which were examined.