Fig. 1
Zebrafish harboring homozygous mutations in gdf6 can be raised to adulthood and do not display overt skeletal defects.
A. gdf6-/- fish are viable into adulthood, exhibit variably penetrant microphthalmia and normal body morphology. B. gdf6-/- fish exhibit somewhat decreased survival compared to gdf6+/+ siblings (n = 11 gdf6-/- fish; n = 4 gdf6+/+ siblings). C, D. gdf6-/- fish lack overt skeletal phenotypes, as revealed by (C) clearing and staining or by (D) microCT analysis. The latter is further represented as Supplemental Movie S1. Scale bars are 5 mm. A variety of fin morphologies were present in the fish examined, but these were neither different between experimental groups (genotypes) nor a significant covariant with swim performance (see Results).