Fig. 6 The dorsal midline structure was specifically affected by loss of function of cdk5, dyrk2, dpysl2 and dpysl3. (A–L) Expression of wnt1 and gdf6a in the wild-type embryos (A, B, G, H), the dpysl2 and dpysl3 double morphants (C, D, I, J), the cdk5 and dyrk2double morphants (E, F, K, L) at 28 hpf, transverse section, dorsal top, broken lines indicate margin of spinal cord. In the wild-type embryos, expression of wnt1 and gdf6a were restricted in the dorsal midline (A, B, G, H, arrow heads), while both genes expressed broader in the double morphants (C–F, I–L, arrow heads). (M–R) Dorsal view of spinal cord in the wild-type (M, N), the dpysl2 and dpysl3 double morphants (O, P), the cdk5 and dyrk2double morphants (Q, R) at 28 hpf. RB neurons and other interneurons were visualized using CREST2: GFP transgenic strain. Cell membrane was visualized using BODIPY-FL C5-ceramide. The dorsal midline border in the wild-type embryos (M, red arrowhead) was not observed in both double morphants (O, Q) while the apical surface in the middle part of spinal cord was normal like the wild-type embryos (N, P, R, yellow arrowheads).
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 370(2), Tanaka, H., Morimura, R., and Ohshima, T., Dpysl2 (CRMP2) and Dpysl3 (CRMP4) phosphorylation by Cdk5 and DYRK2 is required for proper positioning of Rohon-Beard neurons and neural crest cells during neurulation in zebrafish, 223-236, Copyright (2012) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.