Fig. 7
Downregulation of Hdac3 Activity Counteracts ppp4cb-MO1-Induced Embryonic Dorsalization (A and B) bmp2b mRNA-induced gsc reduction (dorsal views) and gata2 expansion (animal-pole views) were rescued by coinjection of HDAC3 mRNA. Statistical data are shown in (B). (C and D) ppp4cb-MO1 (bMO1)-induced gsc expansion (dorsal views) or eve1 reduction (animal-pole views) was inhibited by coinjection of VPA. Statistical data are shown in (D). (E and F) ppp4cb-MO1 (bMO1)-induced gsc expansion (dorsal views) or eve1 reduction (animal-pole views) was blocked by coinjection of 10 ng hdac3-MO, but not by coinjection of 10 ng hdac1-MO. Statistical data are shown in (F). (G) Schematic diagram summarizes the working model of Ppp4c in regulating BMP signaling. In response to BMP, Ppp4c is recruited to the Smad1/Smad5-occupied promoter and dephosphorylates/inactivates Hdac3. The HAT complex most probably associates with the heteromeric Smads complex, catalyzes the histone tail acetylation, and ultimately favors the transcriptional activation.
Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 22(5), Jia, S., Dai, F., Wu, D., Lin, X., Xing, C., Xue, Y., Wang, Y., Xiao, M., Wu, W., Feng, X.H., and Meng, A., Protein Phosphatase 4 Cooperates with Smads to Promote BMP Signaling in Dorsoventral Patterning of Zebrafish Embryos, 1065-1078, Copyright (2012) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell