Fig. S5
Determination of transcript production in ryr morphant embryos. (a) Embryos were mock-injected (WT) or injected with a combination of two ryr1a sbMOs directed at the exon 2 splice acceptor and the exon 3 splice donor sites. RNA was analyzed from two independent injected groups, MOa and MOb. Transcripts were analyzed by RT-PCR at 24 hpf for production of mature erm or ryr1a RNA. Two pairs of exon-specific primers (E2-E3 and E3-E6) were used to detect different regions of the ryr1a transcripts. No WT ryr1a transcripts were detected in morphants. (b) Embryos were mock-injected (WT) or injected with a ryr3sbMOdirected at the exon 1 splice donor site. Transcripts were analyzed by RT-PCR at 24 hpf for production of mature erm or ryr3 RNA.Apair of exon-specific primers (E1-E2) was used to detect ryr3 transcripts. Decreased levels of WT ryr3 transcripts were detected in morphants. Minus sign indicates negative control reactions performed without cDNA synthesis.