Fig. S7
Fig. S7
Myocardial expression of tmem2 does not rescue frv mutants. (A-F) Frontal views depicting expression of AVC markers at 48 hpf (as in Fig. 1). All embryos shown carry the Tg(myl7:tmem2-gfp) transgene, as confirmed by examination of fluorescence prior to fixation. (A-C) Expression of Tg(myl7:tmem2-gfp) does not alter the phenotype of wt embryos (compare with Fig. 1I-K). (D-F) Expression of Tg(myl7:tmem2-gfp) does not alter the phenotype of frv mutant embryos (compare with Fig. 1L-N). (G-I) Three-dimensional projections of selected confocal sections of an frv mutant heart expressing Tg(myl7:tmem2-gfp) (green) in the myocardium at 57 hpf. Immunofluorescence reveals no effect of the transgene on ectopic localization of Dm-grasp (red) (compare with Fig. 1R-T). Comparable results were obtained with two independent transgenic lines. Scale grids are 23 μm per segment. Scale bar: 50 μm.