Fig. 2
Phenotype and histological analysis of klf4a-MO1 and klf4a-MO2-injected morphants and the specificity of klf4a-MOs by Western blot analyses.
(A) Western blot analyses demonstrate that co-injection of klf4a-MO1 and klf4a-MO2 (1.5 ng each) prevents the synthesis of klf4a-T7 fusion protein. Similar α-tubulin expression levels are shown in embryos with different treatments. (B) Phenotype comparison among wild type, klf4a-5mmMO2-injected, and klf4a-MO1 and klf4a-MO2-injected embryos at 24 hpf. * indicates the enlargement of midbrain ventricle and the arrow indicates the reduced otic vesicle. (C) Intestinal phenotype comparison among wild type, klf4a-5mmMO1-, klf4a-5mmMO2, and klf4a-MO1 and klf4a-MO2-injected embryos at 96 hpf. The arrow indicates absence of intestinal folding and the arrowhead indicates no inflation of swim bladder. (D) Histological analysis of 96-hpf klf4a-MO1 and klf4a-MO2-injected morphants. I, intestine; L, liver.