Fig. 3
lkb1 mutants exhibit hallmarks of response to starvation and high metabolic rate. (A) Transverse vibratome sections of PAS-stained WT and lkb1-mutant livers at 5 and 7 dpf. At 7 dpf the WT liver still contains a moderate amount of glycogen, but glycogen is depleted in the lkb1-mutant liver. (B) Transverse vibratome sections of ORO-stained WT and lkb1-mutant livers on days indicated. Note strong lipid accumulation in the lkb1-mutnt liver at 7 dpf and in starved WT liver at 11 dpf. (C) Lkb1 mutants exhibit high metabolic rate. Histograms depict acid production rates of WT and lkb1-mutant larvae at different days of development. The rate of acid production correlates with metabolic rate and was calculated as described in SI Materials and Methods.