Fig. 3
Fig. 3 Foxd3 and mitfa expressed in separate populations of neural crest cells. (A) mitfa:gfp positive neural crest cells are mutually exclusive with Foxd3 positive cells, 18 hpf, lateral view, anterior left, 10x. (B) mitfa:gfp up-regulates in Foxd3 negative neural crest cells, 18 hpf, dorsal view, anterior trunk region, 20x. (A, B) Red: Foxd3 Ab. Green: GFP expression in mitfa:gfp transgenic line (C) mitfa up-regulates in Foxd3 negative neural crest cells, 24 hpf lateral view, anterior trunk region. Red: Foxd3 Ab. Green: mitfa mRNA. 20x. (D) Cell counts of mitfa:gfp positive cells derived from 40x confocal images of migratory neural crest cells at three time points: 15–16 hpf, 16–17 hpf and 17–18 hpf. Blue line = percent of total mitfa:gfp positive cells counted which are Foxd3 negative. Yellow line = percent of total mitfa:gfp positive cells counted which are Foxd3 positive. Stage 15–16 hpf, 88% of mitfa:gfp positive cells are Foxd3 negative (583/664); 12% of mitfa:gfp positive cells are Foxd3 positive (81/664). Stage 16–17 hpf, 89% of mitfa:gfp positive cells are Foxd3 negative (497/560); 11% of mitfa:gfp positive cells are Foxd3 positive (63/495). Stage 17–18 hpf, 91% of mitfa:gfp positive cells are Foxd3 negative (448/495); 9% of mitfa:gfp positive cells are Foxd3 positive (47/495). (E) mitfa:gfp positive neural crest cells overlap with Sox10 expression, 91.8% of 250 mitfa:gfp positive cells are Sox10 positive, 20 hpf, dorsal view, anterior left, 10x (inset 20x).
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 332(2), Curran, K., Raible, D.W., and Lister, J.A., Foxd3 Controls Melanophore Specification in the Zebrafish Neural Crest by Regulation of Mitf, 408-417, Copyright (2009) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.