Fig. 8
Fig. 8 In situ hybridisations at tail bud stage of (A,E,I) wild-type embryos and (B-D,F-H,J-L) embryos with compromised RA signalling. Dorsal views, anterior is to the top. Red lines refer to distances observed in wild-type embryos and are of the same length within each row of embryos. Homozygous nof, 5x10–6 M BMS493-treated or morpholino-injected embryos downregulate hoxb1a (B-D) and hoxb1b (F-H) expression compared with wild-type siblings (A,E). (I-L) Length of the prospective hindbrain territory between pax2.1 and val domains is longer in homozygous nof, 5x10–6 M BMS493-treated or morpholino-injected embryos (J-L) than in wild types (I) at the end of gastrulation.