Fig. 1
Fig. 1 Genes associated with multilineage hematopoiesis are expressed in the posterior blood island as early as 30 hpf. (A,B) By 30 hpf, expression of the pan-leukocyte markers CD45 and l-plastin are observed throughout the PBI. (G,H) By 36 hpf, the number of cells expressing each gene has increased in the PBI, and expressing cells begin to migrate throughout the embryo. Localized expression of lmo2 is observed in the PBI at 30 hpf (C) and 36 hpf (I). (D,J) Expression of gata1 is also observed in cells within the vascular plexus of the PBI at both timepoints. (E,F,K,L) Expression of genes associated with myelopoiesis is also observed within the PBI, including pu.1 and mpx. Rare pu.1+ cells are observed at 30 hpf in the PBI (E) that increase in number by 36 hpf (K), whereas mpx expression is not observed until 36 hpf (F,L), consistent with it being a marker of relatively mature myelomonocytic cell types. Magnification: 100x in whole-embryo images; 300x in PBI images.