Fig. 4

Figures for Mendelsohn et al., 2006
Figure Caption

Fig. 4  The zebrafish mutant calamityvu69 is defective in the zebrafish ortholog of the Menkes disease gene and is phenocopied by copper deficiency

A and B) Copper-deficient embryo (A) and a cal homozygote (B) at 48 hpf.

C and D) Phylogeny of copper-transport P type ATPases (C) displayed as maximum-likelihood tree with bootstrap values as shown. Aligned nucleotide sequence chromatograms (D) from genomic DNA from a portion of the atp7a gene from wild-type, cal heterozygote, and mutant embryos reveals a T→A transversion (box) in the intron 5′ to exon 9.

E) Analysis of cDNA reverse transcribed from mRNA reveals that this mutation acts as a cryptic splice acceptor causing the insertion of seven nucleotides (TTCTCAG) into the mRNA.

F) Restriction digests of a region amplified from atp7a cDNA reveal a novel DdeI site corresponding to the 7 bp insertion at the cal locus (arrowheads).

Figure Data
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Reprinted from Cell Metabolism, 4(2), Mendelsohn, B.A., Yin, C., Johnson, S.L., Wilm, T.P., Solnica-Krezel, L., and Gitlin, J.D., Atp7a determines a hierarchy of copper metabolism essential for notochord development, 155-162, Copyright (2006) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell Metab.