Fig. 4
Fig. 4 Pbx functions with Myod in fast-muscle, but not slow-muscle, differentiation. RNA in situ expression at the 10-somite (10s) stage of (A-G) myog and krox-20, (H-N) desm and krox-20 or (O-U) smyhc1 and krox-20, or at 16s of (V-BB) mylz2 and krox-20 in (A,H,O,V) wild-type control, (B,I,P,W) pbx2-MO; pbx4-MO, (C,J,Q,X) myod-MO, (D,K,R,Y) myf5-MO, (E,L,S,Z) myf5-MO; myod-MO, (F,M,T,AA) myf5-MO; pbx2-MO; pbx4-MO, or (G,N,U,BB) myod-MO; pbx2-MO; pbx4-MO embryos. Embryos are shown in dorsal view, anterior towards the left. Somite staging was confirmed by counting somites using Nomarski optics. (A) r3 and r5 indicate krox-20 expression in hindbrain rhombomeres.