Fig. 6

Figures for Okuda et al., 2006
Figure Caption

Fig. 6 The expression of zebrafish group B1 sox genes from the 12-somite stage to the 25 hr postfertilization (hpf) stage. A: Dorsal (a-f) and lateral (g-l) views of 12-somite stage zebrafish embryos. B: Dorsal (a-f) and lateral (g-l) views of 21-somite stage embryos. C: Dorsal (a-f) and lateral (g-l) views of 25 hpf embryos. cb, cerebellum; fmb, forebrain-midbrain boundary; le, lens; mhb, midbrain-hindbrain boundary; olp, olfactory placode; otp, otic placode; ov, optic vesicle; re, retina. D: Chicken Sox expression at Hamburger and Hamilton stages 11 (13 somites; a-c) and 14 (22 somites; d-f).

Figure Data
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