Single-cell RNA sequencing shows defects in artery specification of akt?/? endothelial cells. (A) UMAP of venous (stab2, dab2, lyve1b) and arterial (dll4, efnb2a, notch3) markers expressed in all endothelial cell subsets. (B) UMAP of artery and venous classification using our marker strategy identification. The percentages correspond to the proportion of arterial (magenta) or venous (green) cell populations out of all endothelial cell subsets. (C) UMAP of efnb2a expression in WT and akt?/? arterial subsets. (D) Violin plot of efnb2a, vegfc and deltaC expression within the arterial subset (Mann?Whitney test). (E) UMAP of flt4 expression in WT and akt?/? venous subsets. (F) Violin plot of flt4, ephb4a and nrp2b expression within the venous subset (Mann?Whitney test). All quantifications are represented as meanąs.e.m.