Trpc6a is required for cardiac regeneration. (A-C) AFOG staining images and quantification of the scar area at 30dpa. Representative image of AFOG staining obtained for trpc6a+/+ (A) and trpc6a−/− (B) Scale bars: 200 μm. The dashed line outlines the scar region. (C) Histogram depicting the quantification of the scar area (n=5/group). Students t-test was used for statistical analysis. **: p value < 0.01. (D–G) Representative images of alkaline phosphatase staining showing the vasculature of 7dpa whole mount hearts. Low (D,E) and high (F,G) magnification of the vascular plexus present in the wound region of trpc6a+/+ (D,F) and trpc6a−/− (E,G) zebrafish hearts. Scale bars: 200 μm. (H–J) Cardiomyocyte proliferation measured at 14dpa. Representative IHC images showing Mef2c (green), EdU (red) and DAPI (blue) for trpc6a+/+ (H) and trpc6a−/− (I). The white box depicts a higher magnification image in the upper right corner. Scale bars: 100 μm. (J). Quantification of EdU+ cardiomyocytes (n=3/group). Students t-test was used for statistical analysis. ***: p value < 0.001.