arid1b mutants showed a trend toward inability to maintain sleep bouts at night time and increased activity in daytime. A. Schematic displaying the work flow in zebrafish sleep assays. Zebrafish larvae collected from an in-cross of heterozygous arid1b pairs were individually pipetted into each well of a 96 well plate. A video monitoring system and a temperature control unit are employed to run the sleep assays. DNA was extracted and genotyping was performed immediately after sleep assay was completed. Analysis was carried out to match the genotype data with the phenotype data. B. Comparison of sleep bout length in arid1b zebrafish line using data collected in dark period. There is a trend toward decreased sleep bout length in night time sleep in arid1b mutants. C. Comparison of activity in arid1b zebrafish line using data collected in light period. There is a trend toward hyperactivity in arid1b mutants during day. Data in graphs B and C are presented as mean + 95% CI for group averages. Total n = 432, arid1b +/+ n = 118, arid1b ± n = 219, arid1b −/− n = 95. ns. Nonsignificant after Hochberg correction.