Shroom4/shroom4 is expressed during early mouse and zebrafish development. (A,B) ISH with Shroom4 probe on a sagittal section of a representative E12.5 (TS21) Mus musculus. Shroom4 expression is visible (in blue) in the head and neuronal tissues (black arrows), Vertebrae (black arrowhead), and genital tubercle (asterisks). Magnification (square in A) highlights the expression in the developing genitourinary tract (B). (C) Whole-mount ISH with an anti-shroom4 probe shows the expression of shroom4 RNA (in blue) at 2 days post fertilisation in the head, brain, eyes, fins, heart, the intestine (black arrowheads) and cloacal region in Danio rerio. Sense controls did not show a staining (not shown). (D) The cloaca is highlighted by an arrow in the enlargement. (E) The expression of shroom4 is highlighted by a white arrow in the brain and by a white arrowhead in the heart in the enlargement. Positive expression in the pectoral fins is marked by the white asterisk. Scale bars represent 1 mm (A), 10 µm (B) and 100 µm (C). ISH. In situ hybridisation.